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Learn to De-Stress and Calm Your Mind

The world today is full of wild and wonderful things. But... sometimes it's just too much and we get sensory overload. Taking a "mental" break and time to just BE seems so foreign to us in our current circumstances. Especially to those of us who are productivity junkies.

Meditation is becoming more popular among the general population and the benefits are far-reaching. No longer is it seen as a practice for those who live alternative lifestyles. 

You don't need to spend 2 hours in a transcendental state to get the benefits of stilling your mind. You can if you want..... But it's not necessary! - Some days I may only get 2 minutes of stillness that I measure using my Fitbit Sense's EDA Scan. The important thing is I am taking the time to just BE and lower my heart rate.

So how do you find the time to meditate with a busy schedule?

Try to squeeze in some stillness:

  • While taking a shower... or bath
  • While doing the dishes
  • While riding to work
  • While taking a walk
  • While getting ready for bed

Many times you can actually still your mind while completing a repetitive task. You don't always have to be completely still. If the task is something that doesn't require "thinking", then you can still the mind. But I would like to encourage you to actually really stop everything and BE. - Our current society is so "go, go, go", that we're made to feel guilty if we aren't constantly doing something. That's just crazy!

Everyone needs to rest. We need to rest our body AND our mind. If you aren't sure where to start, just begin by deep breathing for a few minutes. Clear your mind and breathe deep. I like to repeat one word... and when my mind begins to wander, I just return to that one word. It takes practice but it's so worth it.

I also find that putting on some headphones and listening to meditative music really helps me focus. You can try it out for yourself by playing the video below.

Listen to this and calm your mind.... Subscribe to Happy Mindful Meditation

Are you ready to start reaping the benefits of meditation? Us productivity hackers need to find ways to wind down and stop the madness from time to time. Taking a few minutes a day to be still can actually help us be more productive in the long run.

Much love - Michele

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